Being honest with ourselves… how admitting our vulnerabilities is a key part of seeking and receiving advice


At TGN we are dedicated to providing the best service we can to ALL who seek our advice, whether a client or not. Often in life we do not realise that we may be at a vulnerable stage, that we should be taking special care of ourselves and not rushing to make decisions that we may not understand the consequences of fully or the effect that they will have on our future. Being aware of our future and present clients vulnerabilities in whatever guise they may come is a not easy to identify as an adviser and often not easy to realise or admit as a client. We have put together some prompts below for your consideration, please have a careful think and bring this element into our conversation as it is important…

Thank you


“When a customer’s personal circumstances and
characteristics mean they need special support,
care or protection to ensure they receive the best
possible experiences and outcome.”
— TGN definition of vulnerability
Key considerations

Key considerations

Vulnerability profiles.JPG
Vulnerability from a Financial Service Point of View.JPG