
We find the number one question for those considering their retirement is “Can I live the life I want?”

When thinking about retirement it is normal for people to focus on investment returns, as these have a direct impact on what income is generated. Initially, we like to take a step back before developing an ideal portfolio and start with planning and analysis. Well-constructed investments are important, but less effective if not considered in conjunction with the wider context of your life and what you are trying to achieve.

In particular we seek to work with clients to invest beneficially in a carbon constrained future, this means investing in companies with positive solutions / impacts and also avoiding investments that have a negative impact. This is known as an environmental, social and governance overlay or ESG for short on investment portfolios.

We also believe in protecting investment portfolios by utilising active investment management with an emphasis on avoiding the periodic large losses in investment markets that erode wealth - such as the 1987 crash, the 2000 Tech wreck and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

Financial Planning aims to determine how your future might look based on your aspirations, and then develops strategies to ensure they eventuate in the way that you want.

Throughout this process we seek to manage any inherent risks, protect assets and provide the navigation you need to ensure you remain on course.

With investments we prefer open and active mandates, using a blend of local and international active managers who have the ability to come back to cash if they have concerns about their market sector. Every client is different, and regardless of the situation our objective is to deliver an outcome that is going to work for you.


Most people start their planning too late. Time is a valuable asset and life is full of opportunities to make a difference, particularly when combined with good strategy. We aim to guide you through the ups and downs, encouraging you to see through the day-to-day and allocate for the future to come

We provide a fee based service supported by a world class network of investment, tax and legal specialists.

The fee charged will depend on the nature and scope of the advice or service we provide for you. There is a cost for our financial planning advice and to implement any investment advice. We will outline the estimated cost in a letter of engagement and agree the fees with you before we proceed.

Clients who choose our Investment Management Service are charged a retainer fee which covers investment monitoring, administration and reporting. This also covers on-going review of your financial situation. The cost is expressed as a percentage of funds under management and will be agreed in a letter of engagement.